RTP Book Fair 2022

We love reading at Rowan Tree! As school we try to share the love for reading as much as possible!
On Monday 28th November we held a book fair in school for all pupils to choose a book to take home and share with families! It was a great success!

Brick Club

This week another new lunchtime club has begun at Rowan Tree Primary School. Brick Club is a lunch time club that is offered to all pupils across school. Brick Club will run every Thursday lunchtime and pupils will have the opportunity to play and communicate with other pupils from across school whilst also developing their fine motor and play skills.

Brick Club is going to be led by Alison and Mandy who are trained in Lego Therapy.

‘Solving Children’s sleep Problems’ workshop

It was great to meet parents at our ‘Solving Children’s sleep Problems’ workshop on Wednesday delivered by Chris Hoyle. The workshop went through some key facts about sleep and looked at how these can affect how our children sleep and some top tips to a better night’s sleep.

Here are some quotes from workshop attendees…

“Very insightful, explained clearly and feel very hopeful that her sleep will improve.”

“I didn’t think this workshop would be helpful as my daughter doesn’t really struggle to sleep, we have issues like going to bed alone and staying there. What an eye opener! I’m glad I came because I’ve learnt so much that I didn’t realise caused the problems! Thank you.”

“I found this very useful as my son struggles staying asleep and falling asleep. Very helpful, thank you!”

“Lots of lightbulb moments! Plenty of food for thought. Fantastic session. Thank you!”

We are reading buddies at Rowan Tree

Every Thursday, children from all over school have the opportunity to read to each other in the reading lounge. This week was lovely. Some of the children listened to the story of Little Red Riding Hood. It was so nice to see children supporting eachother to read tricky words. Another group read The Gruffalo and used lots of expression to bring the characters to life for their audience. All of the children got so much out of this in different ways. The listeners developed attention skills and a love for listening to stories. The readers developed confidence in reading aloud, encountered unfamiliar words and cooperated with peers. Great job all round!

Believe Sports Awards 2022

Louise (Headteacher) and Kathryn (Deputy Headteacher) attended the Believe Sports Awards 2022 on Saturday 12th November.
Rowan Tree was nominated for ‘School of the Year for Commitment and P.E to Sport’
Sadly we didn’t win this time however we were honoured to be 1 of 6 finalists from across the Wigan Borough.

Oak 2 I’m A Pudsey Bear Get Me Out Of Here!

In Oak 2 learner took part in “I’m Pudsey Bear, Get Me Out of Here” linked to PSHE, celebrations and communities within Britain. Learners took part in a bush tucker trial, dressing as campmates and finding Pudsey Bear Stars in order to collect Dojo Points for fellow classmates. Learners particularly enjoyed exploring the different sensory trays containing custard, flour, cereal and pasta (with links to Science). Oak 2 had great fun and even found some critters within the trays, this activity promoted a wider discussion on charity and fundraising for members of our wider community.

Later on, they even managed to get Louise Curran our headteacher to have a go!

Maple 2’s trip to the Adventure Farm

As a class maple 2 visited Adventure farm. The pupils saw different animals, they listened to the farm staff about how to treat and feed the animals. We then had a lovely walk with the alpacas. 

Next, we had some lunch around a campfire and the roasted some marshmallows. All the pupils listened to teachers when told not to get too close to the fire. 

We then had a lovely Halloween inspired nature walk, The pupils saw ghosts, monsters, and ghouls. They then played Halloween inspired games and had a play on a pirate ship! 

Well done for great listening and learning new skills! 

Maths Every Moment in Pine 2

Pine 2 have been working hard on their number skills in class, around school and across the day. On the playground they used big Numicon to match numbers on the floor. In class they have been using the interactive screen to engage in a range of maths games and challenges. They have also been joining in with active maths which takes place in the hall. Learning every moment! Great job!