Little Barn Farm

Today we’ve enjoyed our first session with the Little Barn Farm. The children all enjoyed spending some time with the animals and took great care in petting them. All classes had the opportunity to visit these animals and hold them.

Videos and photographs from Elm 1.

We’re really excited to hear that the Little Barn Farm will be coming to visit us again regularly and we look forward to seeing all our new animal friends again!

Smooth Moves in Maple 2

During Maple 2s cooking lesson this week they focused on some basic life skills. The pupils all began by washing their hands and followed a good hygiene routine.  Each pupil took responsibility for cutting up a piece of fruit. The class talked about safety and the best way to hold their knives.

The pupils then added their fruits to the mixers and very carefully poured in the milk. Each pupil was encouraged to complete these tasks an independently as possible.

Once the smoothie blender was going, they all had a turn at putting their hands on it to feel the vibrations. Once finished, the pupils were asked to read the measurements on the side of the mixer and divide it equally between their peers.

Maple 2 really enjoyed this session and of course, enjoyed drinking their smoothie at the end.

It’s a farmer’s life for Fir 2

Fir 2 have been visiting ‘My Life’; a centre where they can work with animals, tend to plants, and really get to know what it’s like to work on a farm. This week the children had the chance to weed and water the plants, plant their own bulbs and feed some of the hungry animals.

The children grew in confidence and independence doing important jobs for the centre. They got to see where eggs came from first-hand at the chicken coop. They also learnt that a daffodil starts its life as a little bulb in the soil. So much learning and so much fun. Well done Fir 2.