Beautiful Butterflies in Acorns

Acorns got creative this week, they used bubble wrap to create their very own butterfly pictures.
The children made a big butterfly and used their gross motor skills by jumping … the bubble wrap went ‘pop’.
For their smaller butterflies they used their hands to pat, press and explore the texture.

Pine 2’s Wellbeing Day

During Wellbeing Day Pine 2 completed a range of fun activities. They talked about the importance of exercise and healthy eating. They completed an assault course in the hall and explored their physical abilities riding bikes, playing ball games and joining in with go noodle activities. During the afternoon the children discussed healthy eating. They explored the fruit using their senses. The children then got creative and made their own fruit pictures. Once they were finished they enjoyed eating the fruit.

Learning in Ash 1

What a fantastic week Ash 1 have had, with lots of learning taking place! We learnt all about heavy and light and used balance scales to explore weight. Our story is ‘Aliens love underpants’ so we identified characters, designed and made our own spaceships and aliens, linking to our story. In PE, we explored the sensory circuits and the different ways we could move along the equipment. Then in Science we explored dead flowers, focusing on why flowers need water and sunlight to grow before taking part in a Shabbat celebration for RE. Finally, our letter of the week in phonics is ‘d’ so we learnt the letter sound and practiced our writing skills!