Oak 2 I’m A Pudsey Bear Get Me Out Of Here!

In Oak 2 learner took part in “I’m Pudsey Bear, Get Me Out of Here” linked to PSHE, celebrations and communities within Britain. Learners took part in a bush tucker trial, dressing as campmates and finding Pudsey Bear Stars in order to collect Dojo Points for fellow classmates. Learners particularly enjoyed exploring the different sensory trays containing custard, flour, cereal and pasta (with links to Science). Oak 2 had great fun and even found some critters within the trays, this activity promoted a wider discussion on charity and fundraising for members of our wider community.

Later on, they even managed to get Louise Curran our headteacher to have a go!

Maple 2’s trip to the Adventure Farm

As a class maple 2 visited Adventure farm. The pupils saw different animals, they listened to the farm staff about how to treat and feed the animals. We then had a lovely walk with the alpacas. 

Next, we had some lunch around a campfire and the roasted some marshmallows. All the pupils listened to teachers when told not to get too close to the fire. 

We then had a lovely Halloween inspired nature walk, The pupils saw ghosts, monsters, and ghouls. They then played Halloween inspired games and had a play on a pirate ship! 

Well done for great listening and learning new skills! 

Maths Every Moment in Pine 2

Pine 2 have been working hard on their number skills in class, around school and across the day. On the playground they used big Numicon to match numbers on the floor. In class they have been using the interactive screen to engage in a range of maths games and challenges. They have also been joining in with active maths which takes place in the hall. Learning every moment! Great job!

Poplar 1 Light Explorers

Learners in Poplar 1 have had an amazing time at The SPACE Centre in Preston. Learners explored lots of different lights, accessing feet control panels and exploring the different textile surfaces with their hands.

Elm get muddy at Forest School

This half term, Elm have been one of the lucky classes to access Forest School right here in Natures Den with Emma. Emma is our Forest School Lead and delivers engaging outdoor learning for all classes throughout the year. This week, Elm got their wellies and puddle suits on to get stuck into the mud kitchen, the hammock, playing twister and making chocolate mud cakes.

Well done Elm!

Early Learners meet Flopsy and Mopsy

This week Early Learners went to meet the new school rabbits, Flopsy and Mopsy. The rabbits are white with long floppy ears. The children watched as the rabbits hopped around their pen in Lou’s office. Lou held one of the rabbits so the children could stroke them if they wanted to. The children also gave them some rabbit food and some cabbage leaves. Early Learners thought it was funny when Flopsy and Mopsy ate the same leaf and munched it until they bumped noses in the middle.

Soon the rabbits will be moving into their new home on the veranda and Jill will be leading Rowan Tree Primary School’s Care Club. Care Club will be open to all pupils across school and will focus on animal care.

The School Council’s School Improvement Plan (SIP)

Today in school Council, after we had discussed our Reward Days and had taken a vote, we looked at the School Improvement Plan (SIP)
We thought of ideas of how we can as a School Council support with the SIP. Take a look at our Wonderful suggestions!