Cedar 2 getting messy!

Cedar 2 was actively involved in their messy play, exploring shaving foam and cereal. They found it amusing to become quite messy, resulting in plenty of laughter and a considerable mess by the time they concluded their activities. Each child attentively followed the staff’s instructions, such as splat, pat, and squish.

Food Facts with Poplar 1

Poplar 1 have been working hard with Food Facts. They have been trying a variety of foods with a variety of tastes and textures. We have been encouraging the children to communicate how the foods feels using our new feely communication boards. This has really helped the children to identify feel and texture. Keep up the good work Poplar!

Ash 1 Christmas Trip to CAFT

The children had a delightful day out at CAFT. They relished seeing the animals, hosting a Christmas party in the woods, sipping hot chocolate, and toasting marshmallows! During lunch, they were treated to a visit from a very special guest who left them some Christmas treats. It was an incredibly enjoyable day, and the children thoroughly loved it!

Dog Mentor Success!

Today we introduced Justin to Rowan.

Justin has his very own therapy dog at home but is struggling to interact and even touch him.

Today we introduced Justin to Rowan to hopefully lift Justin’s confidence around dogs.
As you can see from the photos Justin had a fantastic first session. From feeling a little apprehensive  at first to walking Rowan, shaking his paw, feeding him treats and also playing fetch.

Great job Justin and of course Rowan. 🐾⚽️⭐️

Cedar 2 Exploring Rocks

In Cedar 2 learners have been investigating what happens to rocks when they are painted with water during their science lesson. They were able to find the matching rock pictures. Cedar 2 used symbols to show if the rocks were shiny, rough or spiky.

Poplar 1 are healthy living!

This term is has been all about healthy living. The children have been learning all about how to keep their teeth clean, fruits and vegetables and exercise through games. Great job Poplar!