Bonfire Night in Pine 2

Pine 2 have been learning all about the history of Guy Fawkes. We learnt why and how people celebrate bonfire night. We learnt about the safety aspects and practiced this outside the classroom by toasting marshmallows. We enjoyed creating colourful, sparkly firework pictures in art.

Cedar 2 are choosing stories!

Cedar 2 have been listening to fabulous, exciting stories during their English lessons. Pupils demonstrated the ability to choose their favourite story through their preferred communication method.


Seasonal Traditions in Early Learners!

In Early Learners we having been learning about different celebrations. We have explored Halloween, where we have been pumpkin picking and trick or treating, as well as getting dressed up for the occasion! We have learnt about Diwali where we have been making rangoli patterns and listening to the Rama and Sita story. Finally, we have had lots of fun remembering 5th of November making firework paintings!

Non-Fiction Day

During this week, all pupils across school had the opportunity to celebrate Non-Fiction Day by exploring both Halloween and Bonfire Night.

The pupils took part in quizzes, arts and crafts, Attention Autism, Messy Play and much more!

Well done everyone!